Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Heretic Films presents...


I'm going to officially announce it right here. Right now. We have a distributor. The final contract arrived this morning and, barring any unforseen crapola, we are now in bed with Heretic Films. You may not have heard about them, I sure as hell hadn't, but once I'd been made aware of them, some research yielded the fact that they have pretty good saturation. I've found several copies of several of their titles at two of my local Best Buys and two of my local Hollywood Videos. Plus they're all over the place on Amazon and Netflix.

I feel pretty good about them.

The downside is that it's not a particularly good deal, moolah-wise. In fact, we get no advance and don't see a penny until they recoup their marketing, packaging and replication costs. There's a distinct possibility that we will NEVER see any money, but then again, we may.

Warren and I agreed months ago that the money we invested was spent long ago, and the important thing was getting it "out there". With Heretic, we're sure we can do just that. If we DO see money, outstanding. If we don't, at least I can hang around in Hollywood Video and Best Buy and speak into a cell phone loud enough for others to hear, "That movie I wrote and produced... they've got three of them here. Man, it's cool to be a filmmaker." And then I can sideways glance at all of the adoring shoppers next to me and bask in their envy.
It looks like it will be out by June if all goes well.


Blogger Shawn Fumo said...

Contratulations Marty! It is going to be way cool to see this out there on the shelves. :)

Do you know if they're going to redo the packaging from scratch with their own designers? If they can use what you did, that is less up-front cost to them..

3:50 PM  
Blogger Marty said...

Yeah, they are going to redo the packaging. They have a marketing firm that they prefer to use for artwork. We're cool with it, though... I can't wait to see what they come up with.

8:47 AM  

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