Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back to School

First day of school today. Back to teaching.

I'm an adjunct at a local college and teach a Scriptwriting course . It's a great gig that I stumbled upon two years ago (this term is my fifth), that is pretty satisfying all the way around. The official course description is something I kind of tossed out, and nobody seems to mind. The actual content of the course is heavily, if not exclusively, screenwriting (for film), and I really only touch upon the other disciplines requiring the art and craft of the script. I teach two sections, and luckily my full time job is flexible enough so I can spilt early on T-Th.

Ideally, teaching is going to be the main girder upon which my new career infrastructure will be built. I hope to parlay the two courses I teach into something a little bigger at WSC, as well as using my experience there to get into other schools. Then I complement the teaching with some freelance gigs in the (admittedly minuscule) local film scene and the (much larger) corporate/industrial video scene. And I'll have the flexibility to further pursue independent filmmaking endeavors, which is what I really want to do in the first place!

Then, all I have to worry about is insurance.

And the fact that I don't have a master's degree.

And the fact that freelancing offers no guarantees.

And the fact that I have to worry about two car payments, a mortgage, and supporting my family of five.

Now... now, the reality starts to set in. And the dream starts to fade. And the deep, dark depression sets in. And I curl up in a state of paralysis and sob quietly in the dark :)

I have to write more because I have to get better because I have to write a great screenplay because I have to make a great movie because it will sell for lots of money because I need the money because that will allow me the freedom to make movies because making movies is what I want to do.

Because. It doesn't even look like a word after writing it so much.


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