Chiller (cont.)
It looks as though several people have been viewing the blog (nice), so rather than add to the post below and run the risk of others missing out on added nuggets, I thought I'd append with a new post.
To continue...
In addition to the MFX Studio guys (who also have a relationship with something called the Douglas Education Center, which graduates up to 50(!) students a semester from their makeup/FX curriculum, we also hung out with fellow filmmaker, Bill Hellfire. Bill's interests are actually pretty far removed from mine, but it was an interesting discussion about the realities of low budget filmmaking and the pitfalls of distribution. Bill actually ended up working as a producer for Media Blasters after forming a relationship with them from distributing his film, DUCK! THE CARBINE HIGH MASSACRE. Scott ended up buying several discs from the Media Blasters table, most of which I expect to get my hands on as Scott makes his way through them.
Other observations/things from the show:
-The David Arquette/Thomas Jane table (room, actually) had, at times, a 4 hour wait. Crazy.
-The HOWARD TV gang of Richard Christie and JD were all over the show, interviewing fans and celebs alike. If you listened to Howard's SIRIUS show this morning, you probably got an earful of their exploits.

-Those two Crazy Babysitter Twins from GRINDHOUSE are un-freaking-believably HOT.
-Speaking of Howard, the "Purchase of the Day"? My brother nabbed the complete WWOR-TV Channel 9 show DVD SET. Something like 27 DVDs of every episode. The guy wanted $150 on Saturday, but settled for $75 just as we were leaving on Saturday. I don't know who the bigger chump is.
-The after-show hours were kind of intolerable thanks to the music acts being right in the middle of the lobby. Just dreadful. Past shows would relagate the music to a Ballroom somewhere while the lobby/bar area was reserved for chatting it up. So, instead of hooking up with fellow fans, writers, filmmakers and celebs (past interesting hookups at either Chiller or Fango shows included: Tony Timpone and Mike Gingold, Ted Bohus, Kane Hodder, Eli Roth, Ti West, Captain Lou Albano, and many other memorable run-ins), we ended up with a quick round at the the Ruth Chris' Steak House bar ($9.75 for a Jim Beam and Coke) and then went back to our room to watch the Yankee game.
-Spoke for a while with Douglas E. Winter, who didn't seem to be getting enough props at his lonely little table. Good guy. I snuck him a copy of MAGDALENA'S BRAIN, and hope he takes the time to check it out.
Anyway, the weather wasn't a factor, thanks to our room being at the same hotel, so the only tiem we strayed from the confines was for a Wendy's lunch. And the trip back was quiet and retrospective as we all compared our booty.
Buddy Karl, was the big "winner" of the show, I think. Between his purchases of the Complete Bionic Woman DVD Set, and the the Complete Real Ghostbusters DVD Set, he'll have to be putting in some serious overtime.
Can't wait 'til next year.
To continue...
In addition to the MFX Studio guys (who also have a relationship with something called the Douglas Education Center, which graduates up to 50(!) students a semester from their makeup/FX curriculum, we also hung out with fellow filmmaker, Bill Hellfire. Bill's interests are actually pretty far removed from mine, but it was an interesting discussion about the realities of low budget filmmaking and the pitfalls of distribution. Bill actually ended up working as a producer for Media Blasters after forming a relationship with them from distributing his film, DUCK! THE CARBINE HIGH MASSACRE. Scott ended up buying several discs from the Media Blasters table, most of which I expect to get my hands on as Scott makes his way through them.
Other observations/things from the show:
-The David Arquette/Thomas Jane table (room, actually) had, at times, a 4 hour wait. Crazy.
-The HOWARD TV gang of Richard Christie and JD were all over the show, interviewing fans and celebs alike. If you listened to Howard's SIRIUS show this morning, you probably got an earful of their exploits.

-Those two Crazy Babysitter Twins from GRINDHOUSE are un-freaking-believably HOT.
-Speaking of Howard, the "Purchase of the Day"? My brother nabbed the complete WWOR-TV Channel 9 show DVD SET. Something like 27 DVDs of every episode. The guy wanted $150 on Saturday, but settled for $75 just as we were leaving on Saturday. I don't know who the bigger chump is.
-The after-show hours were kind of intolerable thanks to the music acts being right in the middle of the lobby. Just dreadful. Past shows would relagate the music to a Ballroom somewhere while the lobby/bar area was reserved for chatting it up. So, instead of hooking up with fellow fans, writers, filmmakers and celebs (past interesting hookups at either Chiller or Fango shows included: Tony Timpone and Mike Gingold, Ted Bohus, Kane Hodder, Eli Roth, Ti West, Captain Lou Albano, and many other memorable run-ins), we ended up with a quick round at the the Ruth Chris' Steak House bar ($9.75 for a Jim Beam and Coke) and then went back to our room to watch the Yankee game.
-Spoke for a while with Douglas E. Winter, who didn't seem to be getting enough props at his lonely little table. Good guy. I snuck him a copy of MAGDALENA'S BRAIN, and hope he takes the time to check it out.
Anyway, the weather wasn't a factor, thanks to our room being at the same hotel, so the only tiem we strayed from the confines was for a Wendy's lunch. And the trip back was quiet and retrospective as we all compared our booty.
Buddy Karl, was the big "winner" of the show, I think. Between his purchases of the Complete Bionic Woman DVD Set, and the the Complete Real Ghostbusters DVD Set, he'll have to be putting in some serious overtime.
Can't wait 'til next year.
how does one go about getting a burn of the channel 9 shows?
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