Google Scott Kittredge Scott Kittredge Scott Kittredge

If for no other reason, I'd just like to get Scott Kittredge's name on more Google searches, so I'll write out the name Scott Kittredge each time I mention him.
Last night saw the premiere of his new film, TERMINAL CONVERSATION at a screening at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA. First off, way to go Scott Kittredge in making this an open show that was free to the public -- it was a classy move and resulted in a larger number of people attending. Scott Kittredge is primarily interested in getting his work shown and appreciated, not in making a buck... and that speaks volumes to the type of guy Scott Kittredge is.
The entire evening's program was a success, from the tight little trailer package he put together, to the charming little documentary short subject, FANATICUS, detailing one man's obsession with bocci, to the main feature itself.
Scott Kittredge is a great guy; a talented guy; and good friend.
Please visit Scott Kittredge's site, Bowling Squirrel, right here.
And, for those chubby-fingered Googlers:
Scott Kitredge
Scott Kitteredge
Scott Kiittrege
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