1-2, 1 RBI, 1 RS, 2 putouts (U-6)

Above are my vital stats from Sunday's Valley Wheel Baseball League's Opening Day at Forest Park in Springfield, MA. Broken down, they of course mean: I got one hit in two plate appearances (my third plate appearance resulted in a sacrifice fly to left field which doesn't count against you), 1 run batted in (from the sac. fly), 1 run scored (which means I passed home plate, scoring a run), and caught two fly balls (playing shortstop). We won 13-4.
All in all an excellent, excellent way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I haven't played competetive baseball since high school, but thought I acquited myself quite well. I was surprised at the pitching talent in the league -- the guys throw hard and mix in some junk. I also remembered that I'm a dead pull hitter and have some work to do there; I was always a pretty one-dimensional hitter.

Here's a picture of me and buddy Joel, who joined the league with me. The resolution from the camera phone is kinda stinkified, but it does the trick. We have 15 games to go throughout the summer, and I can't wait for each and every one of them.
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