Wednesday, May 17, 2006

On-Line Film School

I don't know everything there is to know about filmmaking. I especially no nothing about the big-budget kind. But I do know some stuff that may be of value to young, independent, and relatively poor filmmakers. Not enough for a book, maybe.. but for a continuing series of blog entries? Sure, why not.

I'm going to use this space as a kind of thought organizer. As I think back on experiences I've had, information I've gathered, lessons I've learned, I'll post them here. Most will be centered around my experiences with ther feature film I co-wrote, produced and edited, MAGDALENA'S BRAIN. If you scroll down a wee bit, you'll see that that's all I've pretty much been talking about for a while. We've been picked up by a distributor, so that's cool. It's also a nice bookend to the film's story -- from that original idea to the day it comes out on DVD.

Right now, I'm just going to leave this introductory entry posted. Rather than just leap into a rambling diatribe, I'll at least try to form coherent, concise material for posting.

Who knows, six months from now I may be able to gather it all up and turn it into a book.


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